-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup hints for using BGFAX with GT Power 18.00 09-14-93 B.J. Guillot FidoNet 106/400 InterNet: st1r8@jetson.uh.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep in mind that fax commands cannot be stored in NVRAM. GT.BAT should contain something similar to ... @echo off c: cd\gt set gtpath=c:\gt echo AT+FLID="713 555 1212" > com1 gt1800 host.scr *aaaa-bbbb There isn't enough room in the host initialization string for your fax identity, so it's best just to put it in the batch file that runs GT. Here is the relevant information from GT's - configuration screen: Miscellaneous Options -> Host Mode Initialization String AT+FCR=1;+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0| Miscellaenous Options -> Host Mode Answer String AT+FAA=1;A| Also, you will need to edit the "fax token" in the SYSOP.BBS file depending on what type of modem you have. Line 355 of the SYSOP.BBS file contains "AX" The fax token cannot start with the first character on a response returned by the modem, so "AX" is to be used for modems, like the Supra, that return the "FAX" result code. If you are using a modem such as the PPI FXMT, make the fax token "FCON" GT_FAX.BAT can contain the following for "FAX" modems: bgfax /fax c:\bgfax 1 z GT_FAX.BAT can contain one of the following for "+FCON" modems: bgfax /fcon c:\bgfax 1 z OR bgfax /fast c:\bgfax 1 z -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards, B.J. Guillot